OSCAR Review


Hello My Lovely's,


It was one of the best nights and I did pretty well with my predictions below :)

I am so happy that Jennifer Lawrence won; she is a true role model for young women. I loved how she just bounced back up after her fall and played it off which not many people would be able to do.

As well seeing as I am British I am very proud of Daniel Day Lewis who has made history for this country and the OSCAR's. A well-deserved win for Lewis who has only made 6 films in the last 15 years yet has been able to prove his role on screen.  

Seth Macfarlene was a brilliant host and his segment with TED was brilliant. My mum was sitting watching having a fit about it. Award presenters such as Kristen Stewart, Daniel Radcliffe, Meryl Streep and others were very good to, but for me it all comes down to the directors.

Each director well deserved and everyone involved in the film making process that make it possible to win such amazing awards.

These awards are something special every year that i hope will live on for another 85 years!

Until Next Time,

Joey xxx

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